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Director, Master’s program in Sustainability Management, School of Engineering, UDD.



·       (Current) Lead Author Chapter. Insight H: Climate change will severely exacerbate the water crisis. 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2020. Future Earth & The Earth League, Stockholm.

·       (Current) Member of the ISO / TC 323 committee of the standard in preparation ISO / WD 59004 Circular economy - Framework and principles for implementation

·       (Current) Lead Author Chapter “Moving from linear to a circular economy: What this means for business? Global Environment Outlook (GEO) for Business; Science Division, United Nation Environment Programme UNEP. 

·       (Current) Review Editor, Chapter 13: National and sub-national policies and institutions for the Working Group III contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)

·       (Current) Representative and Local Coordinator Andean region, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Andes Network sponsored by United Nations

·       (Current) Member of Technical Committee of Chile-US Council. for Science, Technology and Innovation. U.S. Mission Chile. U.S. Embassy in Chile

·       (Current) Head, Waste to Energy Research and Technology - Chile, WTERT-Chile.

·       (Current) Research Fellow of NGO "Espacio Público" Foundation. Think Tank.


Scholar in Residence 2012, Department of Modern Languages and Natural Applied Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, WI, US August-November. As a Scholar in Residence at UW-Green Bay, I taught 

o   ENV SCI 318/518 Pollution Control (Team-taught with Professor John F. Katers)

o   SPAN 465 Special Topics: Environmental Issues in the Americas.

Assistant Professor (2010-2012), Faculty of Ecology and Natural Resources, Research Fellow, Center for Sustainability, Faculty of Ecology and Natural Resources and Research Associate, Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), Chile. 

o   Undergraduate Courses: CEG2081. Globalization, Global Change, and Sustainable Development, IAB406/406. Sustainability, Innovation, and Environmental Leadership, IND2214. Environmental Management and Energy BMA315. Biological System Assessment

o   Postgraduate Courses: ETU302. Sustainability Indicators, DMC655. Ecosystem services

Analyst, Quality Assurance Department (2006-2009), Vice-rectory for Academic Affairs, UNAB, Chile.

Adjunct Professor, 

·       (2020). Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). Postgraduate courses: “Bioremediation of Soils” and “ Climate Change Modeling”

·       (2008). School of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, (UAI), Santiago, Chile. Courses: “Science and Technology: History and Environmental Sciences” and “Decontamination Processes”.

·       (2007) School of Engineering, PUC, Course: “Design Systems of Bioremediation of Soils”.

·       (2003 – 2006) Department of Biological Sciences, UNAB, Chile. Courses: “Biostatistics” and “Principles of Management”. 

·       (2000 – 2006) Academic Program for Talented Children (PENTA) PUC and Andes Foundation, Chile. Courses: “Pollution and Environment” and “Classic Genetic”.

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