1. Sustainability and Business Performance in Chilean Companies. Felipe Abud & Alex Godoy-Faúndez. 7th GSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2020; 11-21, November 2020, Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University, Rusia.
2. Estrategia de Sostenibilidad Corporativa y Adaptación al Cambio Climático. Carmen Gloria Ide & Alex Godoy-Faúndez. Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas y Facultades de Administración de Chile, 4-6 de Noviembre 2020. Virtual International Conference, https://www.enefa2020.com
3. Los claroscuros de la ley de aguas grises. Camila Boettiger Phillips & Alex Godoy Faúndez. XVII Jornadas de Agua, Facultad de Derecho, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile. 4 de Septiembre, 2020.
4. Review of water energy food nexus in Africa: Morocco and South Africa as case studies. Lahcen El Youssfi, Wesley Doorsamy, Adil Aghzar, Sidi Imad Cherkaoui, Ihssan Elouadi, Alex Godoy Faundez and Diego Rivera Salazar. E3S Web Conf., 183 (2020) 02002. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018302002
5. Economic Policy Instruments for a Transition towards a Circular Economy. A. Biggs & A. Godoy-Faúndez. Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC2020): Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society. 3-5 June 2020, Dresden Germany
6. Environment and sustainable development: understanding from young university students. Saralegui, D.; Rojas, A.; Godoy-Faúndez, A. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, 19-24 July, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic.
7. Understanding the material recovery by material flows in food retailers: Jumbo supermarket, a Chilean case linking consumption to materials. C.G. Ide, A. Godoy-Faúndez. 7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. 26-29 June 2019, Heraklion, Crete island, Greece.
8. Green Chemistry in Froth Flotation: Evaluating the Use of Environmental-Friendly Agents. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Pablo Higueras, Carlos Fúnez-Guerra, Héctor Valdés-González, José Luis Salazar, and Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Procemin-Geomet 2019; 15th International Mineral Processing Conference; 6th International Semniar on Geometallurgy.
9. A monthly optimization model for irrigated crops by land and water allocation. M. Kuschel-Otárola1, D. Rivera, E. Holzapfel, C.D. Palma and A. Godoy-Faúndez. 1st Latin American & Caribbean Young Water Professionals Conference. International Water Association. 5-8 November, 2018 Queretaro, Mexico
10. Uso del Hidrógeno como reductor en fundiciones de cobre. Fúnez Guerra, Carlos; Jaén Caparrós, María; Nieto Gallego, Emilio; Nieto Calderón, Beatriz; Clemente-Jul, Carmen; Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo; Godoy-Faúndez, Álex; Vyhmeister, Eduardo. XIV International Congress on Energy and Mineral Resources Sustaining the Future April 10-13, 2018 Seville
11. Sustentabilidad Corporativa de empresas del IPSA-Chile: análisis sistémico de indicadores GRI G4 ponderados por percepciones sociales. Alex Godoy & Cristian Echeverría LASA2018 XXXVI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos. 23-26 de Mayo, Barcelona, España
12. Technical-Economical Analysis for green ammonia production plant in Chile and subsequently transport to Japan. Carlos Funez Guerra. Beatriz Nieto Calderon, María Jaen Caparros, Emilio Nieto Gallego, Lorezo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy Faúndez, Carmen Clemente-Jul, Eduardo Vyhmeister. European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC) 14th-16th March 2018, Malaga, Spain.
13. Uso del Hidrógeno como redactor en fundiciones de cobre. Fúnez Guerra, Carlos, Jaén Caparrós, María, Nieto Calderón, Beatriz Clemente-Jul, Carmen, Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo, Godoy-Fáundez, ´Álex, Vyhmeister, Eduardo. XIV Congreso Internacional en Energía y Recursos Minerales, Sevilla, del 10 al 13 de abril de 2018.
14. Could be the climate change a driver of incidence rate of T1D in children?. 2017. Francisca Riera & Alex Godoy-Faundez. 43rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, October 18 - 21, 2017, Innsbruck, Austria
15. Viability Analysis of a Centralized Hydrogen Generation Plant for Use in Oil Refining Industry. C. Fúnez Guerra, B. Nieto Calderón, M. Jaén Caparrós, L. Reyes-Bozo, A. Godoy-Faúndez and E. Vyhmeister. The ICHEFCT 2017: 19th International Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells Technology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. December 4 - 5, 2017
16. Mainstreaming sustainable mining: Green Chemistry in froth flotation processes. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Pablo Higueras, Carlos Fúnez Guerra, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Héctor Valdés-González, José Luis Salazar, Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2017. 1th-5th October, Barcelona, España.
17. Economic and operational optimization for semi-autogenous grinding systems, SAG. Jose Luis Salazar, Francisco Cubillos Montecinos, Lorenzo Reyes Bozo, Alex Godoy Faúndez, Pablo Donoso García. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1-5 October, 2017. Barcelona, Spain (www.wcce.org )
18. Viability analysis for use of hydrogen as fuel in logistics centers. C. Fúnez Guerra, B. Nieto Calderón, M. Jaén Caparrós, L. Reyes-Bozo, A. Godoy-Faúndez and E. Vyhmeister. 1. The 7th World Hydrogen Technology Convention, together with CZECH Hydrogen Days. Prague, Czech Republic, 9-12 July
19. Assessment of farmers’ vulnerability to climate change at river basin scale: an integrated modelling approach. Roberto Ponce, Francisco Fernández, Alejandra Stehr, Felipe Vásquez-Lavín & Alex Godoy-Faúndez. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 28 June – 1 July 2017
20. Viability analysis of a centralized hydrogen generation plant for use in mobility sector. C. Fúnez Guerra, B. Nieto Calderón, M. Jaén Caparrós, L. Reyes-Bozo, A. Godoy-Faúndez and E. Vyhmeister. HYPOTHESIS Congress XII - June 28-30, 2017 - Syracuse, Italy.
21. Evaluating the use of organic wastes as collector in copper ore froth flotation. L. Reyes-Bozo, P. Higueras, C. Fúnez Guerra, A. Godoy-Faúndez, E. Vyhmeister, H. Valdés-González, J.L. Salazar, R. Herrera-Urbina. 2nd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 2017, 14-17 May, Berlín, Germany.
22. Integrated sustainable Waste Management for Santiago de Chile and Inclusion of the Informal Sector. Fernanda Cabañas, Athanasios Bourtsalas and Alex Godoy-Faúndez. The Thirty-Second International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management. Philadelphia, March 19-22, 2017.
23. Assessment of farmers’ vulnerability to climate change at river basin scale: an integrated modelling approach. Roberto Ponce, Francisco Fernandez, Alejandra Stehr, Felipe Vásquez-Lavín & Alex Godoy-Faúndez. The XVIth World Water Congress “Bridging Science and Policy” to be held in Cancun, Mexico
24. Addressing decreasing water availability for the mining industry using cost-benefit analysis. Aitken, Douglas. Rivera Salazar, Diego & Godoy-Faúndez, Alex. The XVIth World Water Congress “Bridging Science and Policy” to be held in Cancun, Mexico 2017
25. Linking Water Scarcity, Copper production and Electricity Market. The Chilean Case of interplay between greener power and uncertainty on copper prices. Alex Godoy-Faúndez; Diego Rivera, Roberto Ponce and Douglas Aitken. The XVIth World Water Congress “Bridging Science and Policy” to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 2017
26. Inefficient resolution of conflicts over water rights. Legal actions as a proxy of the increase in number and complexity of conflicts. Mauricio Herrera, Diego Rivera, Daniel Brieba, Cristian Candia & Alex Godoy-Faúndez. The XVIth World Water Congress “Bridging Science and Policy” to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 2017
27. Growth and Convergence of Residential Water Consumption. Guillermo Acuña, Cristián Echeverría, Alex Godoy-Faúndez & Felipe Vásquez. The XVIth World Water Congress “Bridging Science and Policy” to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 2017
28. Hydrometeorological risk assessment for crops in Chile. Gabriel Candia, Roberto Ponce, Diego Rivera & Alex Godoy- Faúndez, The XVIth World Water Congress “Bridging Science and Policy” to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 2017
29. Nuevos escenarios latinoamericanos y reconfiguración de los conflictos mineros ¿Cambios o continuidades? Godoy-Faúndez, Alex & Rivera, D. into the Track: Biodiversity, Natural Resources and Environment for the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Congress (LASA2017) taking place April 29-May 1in Lima, Peru.
30. Convergencia de Cambio Climático y Desafíos socio-ambientales en Chile. Session Panel Megaminería y gobernanza ambiental en América Latina. Godoy-Faúndez, Alex & Rivera, D. into the Track: Biodiversity, Natural Resources and Environment for the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Congress (LASA2017) taking place April 29-May 1in Lima, Peru.
31. Sustainable water management in agriculture: a review. C.A. Villamar, M. Lillo, J. Jara, E. Holzapfel, O. Lagos, A. Godoy. International Congress CRHIAM-INOVAGRI: “Leading Technologies for water management”. October 24, 25 and 26 in the city of Concepción, 2016
32. Plataforma integrada para la evaluación de amenazas meteorológicas. Gabriel Candia, Alex Godoy, Diego Rivera. International Congress CRHIAM-INOVAGRI: “Leading Technologies for water management”. October 24, 25 and 26 in the city of Concepción, 2016
33. Principales conductores de la demanda hídrica a nivel urbano en Chile. Guillermo Acuña, Cristian Echeverría, Alex Godoy-Faúndez. International Congress CRHIAM-INOVAGRI: “Leading Technologies for water management”. October 24, 25 and 26 in the city of Concepción, 2016
34. Total and partial replacement of main collector to concentrate copper sulfide ore by organic wastes: Kinetci studies. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo. Dr., Pablo Higueras, Héctor Valdés-González, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Carlos Funez and Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. XXVIII Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Química, 2016, Cusco, Perú.
35. Assessment of Biosolids and their components as main collector of copper sulfide ores. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Pablo Higueras, Héctor Valdés-González, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Carlos Fúnez, José Luis Salazar and Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Energy and Environment Knowledge Week - E2kW. Paris, France 28th-30th, October, 2016. September 1-2, Viña del Mar, Chile.
36. Growth and Convergence of Residential Water Consumption. Acuña, Guillermo; Echeverría, Cristián; Godoy, Alex. 2016 Annual Conference of the Chilean Economics Society. September 1-2, Viña del Mar, Chile.
37. Assessment of farmers’ vulnerability to climate change at river basin scale: an integrated modeling approach“ Roberto Ponce; Francisco Fernandez; Alejandra Stehr; Felipe Vásquez - Lavín; Alex Godoy, 12th Annual IWREC Meeting, to be held September 11-13, 2016 at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC
38. Coloquio CLACSO-OLA/The New School “América Latina-Estados Unidos, Diálogo de Saberes. Comisión 11: Media¡oambiente y Sociedad. Nueva York del 25 al 26 de Mayo. www.clacso.org.ar/clacso/convocatoria_coloquio_clacso_ola_2016/inicio.php
39. Agua, más allá del Mercado y Derechos Humanos. Godoy-Faúndez, Alex & Rivera, D. into the Track: Biodiversity, Natural Resources and Environment for the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Congress (LASA2016) taking place May 27 –30 in NYC, NY, US.
40. Cost-effectiveness of strategies to reduce water consumption in the copper mining industries. Douglas Aitken, Diego Rivera and Alex Godoy-Faúndez. Water In Mining 2016, April 27-29. Santiago, Chile
41. Geología y Sustentabilidad: Conexión de la estrategia “desde la cuna hasta la tumba” con procesos mineros. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo · Ronad Guzmán · Andrés Escare · Douglas Aitken · Pablo León Higueras · Alex Godoy-Faundez. XIV Congreso Geológico Chileno, La Serena (Chile); 10/2015
42. Assessment of biosolids and their components as main collector of copper sulfide ores. Reyes-Bozo, L.; Godoy-Faundez A. Aitken D., Higueras, P. & Herrera-Urbina R. Procemin 2015. 11th International Mineral Processing Conference- October 21-23, 2015. Santiago, Chile
43. Sustainability Assessment of Public Policy: Methodology to prioritize actions on Water Policy. Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Douglas Aitken, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo & Diego Rivera. XVth World Water Congress, International Water Resources Association will be held from the 25th to 29th May 2015 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), Edinburgh in cooperation with the Scottish Government.
44. Sustainability Assessment of Water Policy: Methodology to prioritize actions on a National Irrigation Strategy. Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo & Diego Rivera. IARU Sustainability Science Congress taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark from October 22nd - 24th 2014
45. Evaluating the surface modification of sulphides minerals: Zeta Potential Studies. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Pablo Higueras, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, and Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Congress Energy and Environment Knowledge Week - E2kW. Toledo, Spain 30th-31nd October, 2014.
46. Effect of biosolids and their main components in the concentration of copper sulphide ores. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Pablo Higueras and Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Proceedings of the XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC2014, Chapter 3, pp. 262-27, October 20-24, 2014, Santiago, Chile
47. Use of Biosolids wastes as Froth Flotation Reagents for Copper Sulphides Concentration, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, José Luis Salazar, Hector Valdés-Gonzalez, Eduardo Vyhmeister, , Pablo Higueras & Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. The Seventh International Conference, on Environmental Science and Technology,June 9 -13, 2014, Crowne Plaza, Houston, Texas, USA
48. Sustainability Science and Environmental Education in Engineering Education: The role of video games. Alex Godoy-Faúndez and Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo. 2014 AESS Conference: "Welcome to the Anthropocene" will be held at PACE University in New York City, NY on June 11-14, 2014.
49. Sustentabilidad y Gobernanza, Track: Sustentabilidad como pilar de una sociedad democrática: Visiones desde el Cono Sur para siglo XXI. into the Track: Culture, Power and Political Subjectivities for the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Congress taking place May 21 –24 in Chicago, IL. Chair
50. Emerging Research Issues in Latin American Environmentalism into the Track: Section Presentation (Only Section Chairs) for the LASA2014, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress taking place May 21 –24 in Chicago, IL.
51. Role of biosolids and its main components in the concentration of sulphide ores. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Pablo Higueras, Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress – IMPC 2014. 20-24 October, Santiago, Chile
52. A sustainable froth flotation process: A Chilean case study. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Pablo Higueras, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, José Luis Salazar, Héctor Valdés-González Eduardo Vyhmeister, and Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Congress Energy and Environment Knowledge Week - E2kW. Toledo, Spain 20th-22nd November 2013.
53. Use of biosolids and its main component as frothers and collectors for the concentration of copper sulphide ores. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Jose Luis Salazar, Héctor Valdés-González, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. 6th International Conference in Sustainable Minerals in the Minerals Industry (SMIDI2013) 30 June-3 July Minos Island, Greece.
54. Use of biosolids and their components as collector reagent for sulfide ore concentration. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Jose Luis Salazarc, Héctor Valdés-González, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Copper 2013 International Conference 24-28 November 2013, Santiago, Chile.
55. Carbon Footprint in Public Procurement: A methodology for the measurement of carbon footprint in Public Procurement systems. Sinclair, Santiago; Burr, Guillermo.; Loyola, Claudio and Godoy-Faúndez Alex. 5th International Public Procurement Conference, Seattle, August 17-19, 2012 co-host by the Public Procurement Research Center, School of Public Administration, Florida Atlantic University; and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing
56. Environmental indicators and Sustainable Development: A Sustainable Model at City of Peñalolen, Santiago, Chile. Alex Godoy-Faúndez, María José Rivero, Felipe Pacheco, Matías Faundes, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo and Ricardo Cofré. ISWA World Congress 2012 World Congress of International Solid Waste Association, September 17-19, Florence, Italy.
57. Rougher Flotation of Copper Sulfide Ore using Biosolids and Humic Acids. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo; Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina; Alex Godoy-Faúndez; César Sáez-Navarrete and Rosanna Ginocchio. XXV Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering and XVIII Chilean Congress of Chemical Engineering, November 14-17, 2011, Santiago-Chile
58. Sustainable Bioremediation and Industrial Ecology model: A sustainable management alternative for mining industry. Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo & Godoy-Faúndez, Alex. International Symposium of the Institute of Mining Engineering: Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry 14-17 June 2011. Aachen, Germany.
59. Conceptual model for technological transfer under a framework of local environmental governance in Chile. Case of Recycling Industry. Godoy-Faúndez, Alex & Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo. Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Annual Conference, The Entrepreneurial University and Academic Enterprise. The Technology Transfer Society at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. USA. November 12 & 13, 2010.
60. Biosolids as foaming reactive in Froth Flotation process. Reyes-Bozo, Lorenzo; Godoy-Faúndez, Alex; Herrera, Miguel and Ginocchio, Rosanna. The Fifith International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. American Academy of Sciences. July 12-16, 2010. Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
61. The value on the housing context: Strategies to incorporate green areas in Santiago de Chile. Vargas A., Montecinos W. Godoy-Faúndez A. 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2010, Hong Kong on 30 May-1 June, 2010.
62. Sustainability Science and Environmental Education in Higher Education: A model for Chile. A. Godoy-Faúndez, L. Reyes-Bozo and M. F. Budinich. Earth Charter Day Academic Conference 2009, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, July 2-5, 2009.
63. Environmental Leadership Model and Public Affairs: Relation Mining Industry-University in Bioremediation of Desert Soils at Atacama Desert. A. Godoy-Faúndez, L. Reyez-Bozo, B. Antizar-Ladislao and C. Sáez-Navarrete. Securing the Future. Mining and Metal & Environment in a Sustainable Society and 8th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage. Skelleftea, Sweden, June 22-29, 2009.
64. Differential metabolic changes in microbial communities, explain the bioremediation of organic contaminants in the Atacama Desert (Chile). A. Godoy-Faúndez, L. Reyez-Bozo, C. Sáez-Navarrete, B. Antizar-Ladislao. 4th European Bioremediation Conference, September 3 to 6, 2008, Chania, Crete, Greece.
65. Differential changes in microbial communities during bioremediation of fuel contaminated desert mining soils in the Atacama Desert. A. Godoy-Faúndez, B. Antizar-Ladislao, L. Reyes-Bozo, C. Sáez-Navarrete. 108th General Meeting in Boston 1-5 June 2008. The American Society for Microbiology
66. Bioremediation of TOCs present in Fuel-contaminated Desert Mining Soil and Sawdust in the Atacama Region (Chile). Alex Godoy-Faúndez; Blanca Antizar-Ladislao; Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo and César Sáez-Navarrete. The 23rd Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments & Water October 15-18, 2007 University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy. Volume 13, Issue 1 Article 4. ISBN-10: 0-9787640-2-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-9787640-2-1
67. Bioremediation of oil-contaminated desert mining soil in the Atacama region (Chile): Ph. D thesis, a tool for environmental management. Alex Godoy-Faúndez; Blanca Antizar-Lalislao; Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo; Andrés Camaño Moreno and César Sáez-Navarrete. Proceeding of the Second International Seminar on Mine Closure. 16-19 October 2007, Santiago, Chile. ISBN 978-0-0984185-0-7.
68. Phenomenological modelling of bioremediation systems for hydrocarbons-contaminated Chilean desert soils. Sáez-Navarrete César, Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo, Godoy-Faúndez Alex. VI LABS- Latin American Biodegradation and Biodeterioration Symposium. “Biotecnología, agricultura y ambiente en el Siglo XXI”. Bogotá, Colombia, May 1-4, 2007, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 62 (2008) 11-11
69. An exploratory study of peat and sawdust as enhancers in the biodegradation of n-dodecane”. Sáez-Navarrete César; Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo y Godoy-Faúndez Alex. XXX Congreso de la Asociación Interamericana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental, 26 al 30 de Noviembre de 2006, Punta del Este – Uruguay.
70. Bioventing of soils in the atacama desert contaminated with organic pollutants in closed system: changes in the microbial communities. Godoy-Faúndez Alex; Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo and Sáez-Navarrete César. 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. August 20-25, 2006, Vienna, Austria.
71. Removal of VOCs and SVOCs in desert mining soils: preliminary studies. Godoy-Faúndez Alex; Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo and Sáez-Navarrete César. The Second International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. American Academy of Sciences. August 19-22, 2006. Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Proceedings of Environmental Science and Technology (II) ISBN-0976885379-ICEST2006-Proceedings-II-Table-of-Contents
72. Ph.D thesis. a tool for environmental management in the mining industry. Godoy-Faúndez Alex; Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo and Sáez-Navarrete César. The Second International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. American Academy of Sciences. August 19-22, 2006. Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Proceedings of Environmental Science and Technology (II) ISBN-0976885379-ICEST2006-Proceedings-II-Table-of-Contents
73. Biorremediación por compostaje en contenedores aireados de suelos desérticos mineros y aserrín: Estudios de laboratorio Godoy-Faúndez Alex, Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo, Camaño M. Andrés, Sáez-Navarrete. César. VII Congreso SETAC Química y Toxicología Ambiental en América Latina: Desafíos perspectivas y nuevos enfoques Santiago del 16 al 20 de octubre, 2005.
74. Biorremediación aeróbica ex-situ de suelos y aserrines contenidos, contaminados con solventes y aceites en Minera Escondida: Alianza Empresa-Universidad a través de una tesis de doctorado. Godoy-Faúndez Alex, Camaño M. Andrés, Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo, Sáez-Navarrete César. VII Congreso SETAC Química y Toxicología Ambiental en América Latina: Desafíos perspectivas y nuevos enfoques Santiago del 16 al 20 de octubre, 2005.
75. Biorremediación de contaminantes orgánicos complejos en suelos desérticos mineros y aserrín mediante en reactores aireados: Cuantificación de cinéticas degradativas. Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo, Godoy-Faúndez Alex, Camaño M. Andrés*, Sáez-Navarrete César. VII Congreso SETAC Química y Toxicología Ambiental en América Latina: Desafíos perspectivas y nuevos enfoques Santiago del 16 al 20 de octubre, 2005.
76. Velocidades de (bio)degradación en procesos de bioventilación de mezclas suelo-aserrín contaminados con hidrocarburos complejos. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Andrés Camaño1, César Sáez-Navarrete. XVI Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Química, 1- 4 de Noviembre de 2005, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco Chile.
77. Degradación de COVs y COSVs por bioventilación de mezclas suelos desérticos-aserrín, contaminados con mezclas de hidrocarburos: Cambios en las comunidades microbianas. Godoy F. Alex, Reyes B. Lorenzo, Camaño M. Andrés, Sáez-Navarrete. César. XXVI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología Valparaíso, 1, 2 y 3 de Diciembre, 2004. Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile.
78. Efecto del cambio de porosidad en la biodegradación de COVs y COSVs de suelos desérticos contaminados con mezclas de hidrocarburos. Reyes B. Lorenzo, Godoy F. Alex, Camaño Andrés, Sáez N. César. XXVI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología Valparaíso, 1, 2 y 3 de diciembre, 2004. Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile.
79. Respuesta T helper y factores de virulencia en pacientes infectados por Helicobacter pylori en Chile: desarrollo de un modelo predictivo mediante ANÁLISIS de regresión multiple. Serrano C, Valdivia A, Díaz MI, Godoy A, Kirberg A, Hebel E, Fierro J, Klapp G, Rollán A, Venegas A, Harris PR. XVI Congreso Latinoamericano, VII Congreso Iberoamericano y I Congreso Colombiano de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica. 22 al 24 de abril de 2005, Cali, Colombia.
80. Caracterización molecular de factores de virulencia de Helicobacter pylori y citoquinas regulatorias en pacientes infectados en Chile: desarrollo de un modelo predictivo. Autores: Valdivia A., Serrano C., Díaz M., Godoy A., Kirberg A., Hebel E., Fierro J., Klapp G., Rollan A., Harris P., Venegas A. XXVI Congreso Chileno de Microbiologia Valparaíso, 1, 2 y 3 de diciembre, 2004. Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile.
81. Elevación inicial y transitoria de IL-10, pero no de IL-12, en la mucosa gástrica de niños infectados con Helicobacter pylori. Einisman H., García D., Riera F., Godoy A., Peña A., Rollán A., Duarte I., Guiraldes E., Harris P. XXX Congreso Chileno de Gastroenterología, 27-29 de noviembre 2003, Viña del Mar, Chile.
82. Respuesta inmune local, edad y patología asociada en pacientes infectados por Helicobacter pylori. Einisman H., García D., Arenillas S., Riera F., Godoy A., Zylberberg A., Peña A., Rollán A., Duarte I., Guiraldes E. y Harris P..XXIX Congreso Chileno de Gastroenterología, XIII Congreso Chileno de Endoscopía Digestiva y XI Congreso Chileno de Hepatología, 4-5 de Diciembre 2002, Santiago, Chile. Gastroenterología Latinoamericana, 2002; Vol 13(5): 380.
83. Caracterización serológica de la infección por Helicobacter pylori en 80 pacientes chilenos con patología gastrica. Zylberberg A., García D., Einisman H., Riera F., Arenillas S., Godoy A., Peña A., Rollán A., Duarte I., Guiraldes E. y Harris P. XLII Congreso Chileno de Pediatría, 15 de Octubre al 19 de Octubre del 2002. Arica, Chile Rev Chil Pediatr, 2002;73(S):33.
84. “IL-12 and IL-10 expression in gastric mucosa of Helicobacter pylori infected children”. Harris P, Arenillas S, Godoy A., Peña A, Rollán A, Duarte I, Guiraldes E. Annual Meeting of European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Ginebra, Suiza, Mayo 12 de 2001.J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol Nutr. Abstract, 2001, Vol 32, pp. 358.
85. Participación de Interleuquina-8 en patología gástrica en niños. Zylberberg A., Godoy A., Arenillas S., Peña A., Bravo R., Guiraldes E. y Harris P. XLI Congreso Chileno de Pediatría, 28 de Noviembre al 21 de Diciembre de 2001. Pucón, Chile.
86. Differential expression of proinflamatory cytokines in the gastric mucosa of children infected with Helicobacter pylori. Harris P., Godoy A., Peña A., Duarte I., Triviño X., Larraín F., Espinosa M., Bravo R., Schultz M., Guiraldes E,. World Congress of Pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. August 5-9, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. Abstract, 2000, Vol 31, Supplement 2, S70.
87. CagA seroprevalence as a virulence marker in chilean children infected with Helicobacter pylori. Harris P., Godoy A., Perez-Perez GI., Guiraldes E. World Congress of Pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. August 5-9, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. Abstract, 2000, Vol 31, Supplement 2, S209.
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90. Expresión diferencial de citoquinas proinflamatorias en la mucosa gástrica de niños con gastritis asociada a infección por Helicobacter pylori. Guiraldes E., Peña A., Duarte I., Godoy A., Triviño X., Larraín F., Espinosa M., Bravo R., Schultz M., Harris P. XXVI Congreso Chileno de Gastroenterología. 28 al 30 de Noviembre de 1999. Santiago, Chile.
91. Seroprevalencia de CagA como marcador de virulencia en niños chilenos con infección por Helicobacter pylori. Harris P., Godoy A., Perez-Perez GI., Guiraldes E. XXVI Congreso Chileno de Gastroenterología. 28 al 30 de Noviembre de 1999. Santiago, Chile.