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Peer Review Articles

1.     10 New Climate Insights - a Horizon Scan. Erik Phill et al. Global Sustainability Journal (Submmitted)

2.     Simulation of Water-Use Efficiency of Crops under Different Irrigation Strategies. Kuschel-Otárola, M.; Rivera, D.; Holzapfel, E.; Schütze, N.; Neumann, P.; Godoy-Faúndez, A. Water 2020, 12, 2930.

3.     Changes on the length and frequency of dry spells during the mega-drought in Chile: Is the current water resource infrastructure prepared for a warmer-drier climate? Latoja, Daniela; Montecinos, Aldo; Lillo-Saavedra, Mario; Godoy-Faundez, Alex; Holzapfel, Eduardo; Lagos, Octavio; Jara, Jorge; Rivera, Diego. (Submmitted to Environmental Research Letters)

4.     Preserve Global South's research capacity -Daniel Reidpath, Pascale Allotey and 166 signatories. 15 May 2020: Vol. 368, Issue 6492, pp. 725 DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2677

5.     Estimation of yield response factor for each growth stage under local conditions using AquaCrop-O.  Kuschel-Otárola, M.; Schütze, N.; Holzapfel, E.; Godoy-Faúndez, A.; Mialyk, O.; Rivera, D. Water 2020, 12, 1080.

6.     The role of climate change in convergence of residential water consumption across Chilean localities. Acuña, G.I., Echeverría, C., Godoy, A. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2020), 22, 89–108.

7.     Use of humic substances in froth flotation processes. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Pablo Higueras, Carlos Fúnez Guerra, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Eduardo Vyhmeister, Héctor Valdés-González, José Luis Salazar, Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 252, 2019, 109699.

8.     Validation of cryogenic vacuum extraction of pore water from volcanic soils for isotopic analysis. Rivera, D.; Gutierrez, K.; Valdivia-Cea, W.; Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.; Godoy-Faúndez, A.; Álvez, A.; Farías, L. Water 2019, 11, 2214.

9.     Viability analysis of underground mining machinery using green hydrogen as a fuel. Carlos Funez Guerra; Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, PhD; Eduardo Vyhmeister, PhD; María Jaén Caparrós, Bachelor; Jose Luis Salazar, PhD; Álex Godoy-Faúndez, PhD; Carmen Clemente-Jul, PhD; Doroteo Verastegui Rayo, PhD. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Volume 45, Issue 8, 14 February 2020, Pages 5112-5121

10.  Water Policy in Chile. Global Issues in Water Policy, Volume 21. Alex Godoy-Faúndez. Water Economics and Policy Vol. 05, No. 01, 1880007 (2019) Book Review.

11.  Multiperiod optimization of irrigated crops under different conditions of water availability. Kuschel-Otárola, M.; Rivera, D.; Holzapfel, E.; Palma, C.D.; Godoy-Faúndez. Water 2018, 10, 1434;

12.  Understanding Water Disputes in Chile by Text and Data Mining tools. Mauricio Herrera, Cristian Candia, Diego Rivera, Daniel Brieba, Douglas Aitken, Camila Boettiger & Alex Godoy-Faúndez. Water International (2019), 44:3, 302-320, .

13.  Viability analysis of centralized hydrogen generation plant for use in mobility sector. Carlos Fúnez Guerra, María Jaén Caparrós, Beatriz Nieto Calderón, Vanesa Sensarrubias Carbonero, Emilio Nieto Gallego, Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Carmen Clemente-Jul and Eduardo Vyrhmeister. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 43, Issue 26, 28 June 2018, Pages 11793-11802.

14.  Distributional impacts of climate change on basin communities: an integrated modeling approach. Ponce, R.D., Fernández, F., Stehr, A. et al. Reg Environ Change 17, 1811–1821 (2017).  

15.  A combined photovoltaic and novel renewable energy system: An optimized techno-economic analysis for mining industry applications. Eduardo Vyhmeister; Cristina Aleixendri Muñoz; José Miguel Bermúdez Miquel; Javier Pina Moya; Carlos Fúnez Guerra; Lourdes Rodríguez Mayor; Alex Godoy-Faúndez; Pablo Higueras; Carmen Clemente-Jul; Héctor Valdés-González. Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 149, 15 April 2017, Pages 999–1010.  

16.  Legal disputes as a proxy for regional conflicts over water rights in Chile. Diego Rivera; Alex Godoy; Mario Lillo; Amaya Alvarez; Consuelo Gonzalo-Martin; Ernestina Mensalvas; Roberto Costumero; Angel García-Pedrero. Journal of Hydrology 2016, 535, 36-45.

17.  Water Scarcity and the Impact of the Mining and Agricultural Sectors in Chile. Aitken D., Rivera D., Godoy-Faundez A and Holzapfel E. Sustainability 2016, 8(2), 128;

18.  Adsorption of biosolids and their main components on chalcopiryte, molybdenite and pyrite: Zeta potential and FTIR spectroscopy studies. Mauricio Escudey, Dr; Eduardo Vyhmeister, Dr; Pablo Higueras, Dr; Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Dr; José Luis Salazar, Dr; Héctor Valdés-González, Dr; Germán Wolf-Sepúlveda, MSc; Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina, Dr. Minerals Engineering (2015) 78, 128–135.

19.  Exploring soil databases: A Self-Organizing Maps approach. Rivera, Diego; Sandoval, Marcos & Godoy, Alex (2015). Soil Use and Management 31: 121-131.

20.  Uncertainty in a Monthly Water Balance Model using the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation Methodology. Rivera, D., Rivas, Y. & Godoy, A. J Earth Syst Sci 124, 49–59 (2015).

21.  Life cycle assessment of macroalgae cultivation and processing for biofuel production. Douglas Aitken, Cristian Bulboa, Alex Godoy-Faundez, Juan L. Turrion-Gomez, Blanca Antizar-Ladislao. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 75, 15 July 2014, Pages 45-56.

22.  Greening Chilean mining processes through industrial ecology strategies. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo; Alex Godoy-Faúndez; Pablo Higueras; Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina; José Luis Salazar; Eduardo Vyhmeister; Héctor Valdés-González; Blanca Antizar-Ladislao. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84, 1 December 2014, Pages 671–679.

23.  Assessment of the flotability of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite using biosolids and their main components as collectors, for greening the froth flotation of copper sulphide ores. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Pablo Higueras; Alex Godoy-Faúndez; Francisco Sobarzo; César Sáez-Navarrete; Jorge Vásquez-Bestagno; Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina. Minerals Engineering, Volume 64, 1 October 2014, Pages 38-43

24.  Rougher flotation of copper sulphide ore using biosolids and humic acids. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo; Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina, Dr; César Sáez-Navarrete, Dr; Alfonso F Otero, Dr; Alex Godoy-Faúndez, Dr; Rosanna Ginocchio. Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1603–1608.

25.  Role of biosolids on hydrophobic properties of sulfide ores. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo; Ronaldo Herrera-Urbina; Mauricio Escudey; Alex Godoy-Faúndez; César Sáez-Navarrete; Miguel Herrera; Rosanna Ginocchio. International Journal of Mineral Processing. Volume 100, Issues 3-4, 14 September 2011, Pages 124-129.

26.  Uso de Biosólidos como Reactivo Espumante en Procesos de Flotación: Caracterización Física  y Quimica. Lorenzo Reyes-Bozo, Alex Godoy-Faúndez, César Sáez, Miguel Herrera and Rosanna Ginocchio. DYNA, 2011, Nro. 167, pp. 66-73.

27.  Bioremediation of contaminated mixtures of desert mining soil and sawdust with fuel oils by aerated in-vessel composting in the Atacama Region (Chile). Godoy-Faúndez Alex; Antizar-Ladislao Blanca; Reyes-Bozo L., Camaño Andrés and Saéz-Navarrete Cesar. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008 Vol 151/2-3 pp 649-657.

28.  Phenomenological modelling of bioremediation systems for hydrocarbon-contaminated Chilean desert soils. Saez-Navarrete C.; Reyes-Bozo L.; Godoy-Faundez A. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2008  Volume: 62   Issue: 1   Pages: 11

29.  An exploratory study of peat and sawdust as enhancers in the biodegradation of n-dodecane. Sáez-Navarrete C.; Gelmi A. Claudio; Reyes-Bozo Lorenzo y Godoy-Faúndez A. Biodegradation. 2008. Vol 19 pp 527-534. 

30.  Relationship between Helicobacter pylori virulence factors and regulatory cytokines as predictors of clinical outcome. Serrano C, Diaz MI, Valdivia A, Godoy A, Peña A, Rollan A, Kirberg A, Hebel E, Fierro J, Klapp G, Venegas A, Harris P. Microbes and Infection. 2007; 9: 428-434

31.  CagA Antibodies as a Marker of Virulence in Chilean Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection. Paul R. Harris, A. Godoy, S. Arenillas, F. Riera, D. García, H. Einisman, A. Peña, A. Rollán, I. Duarte, E.Guiraldes, G. Perez-Perez. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. and Nutr. 2003; 37(5):596-602.

32.  Gastric TGF-b in children and adults in Chile infected with Helicobacter pylori”. Harris P, Riera F, Godoy A., Arenillas S, Peña A, Rollan A, Duarte I, Guiraldes E, Smith P.. Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterology Association, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 19-22, 2002. Supplement to Gastroenterology, Abstract, 2002, Vol 122, Nº4, w928.

33.  Regulatory Cytokines in Gastric Mucosa of Helicobacter pylori-infected children and adults”. Paul R. Harris, Helly Einisman, Daniela García, Francisca Riera, Alex Godoy, Silvana Arenillas, Alfredo Peña, Antonio Rollán, Ignacio Duarte, Ernesto Guiraldes. Gastroenterology 2003:124 (4), S1:A-12.

34.  Proinflammatory cytokine expression in gastric tissue children from children with Helicobacter pylori–associated gastritis. Guiraldes, E; Duarte, I; Peña, A.; Godoy, A.; Espinosa, MN; Brago, R; Larraín, F; Schultz, M; Harris, P. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol Nutr. 2001 Aug: 33(2): 27-32.

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